Drowning in Kale? Here are 9 Ways to Use Your Harvest!

When early spring arrives, it’s hard not to get so excited and plant dozens of seeds. The problem is, all of those tiny seeds turn into plants and it’s nearly impossible to kill them (because they’re our babies!), which means they all need to be planted somewhere! And since kale can be planted so early […]

How to Make Garden Fresh Salsa

So, it turns out that salsa is really easy to make! We love salsa around here so this is a very big deal for us. Besides how easy it is to make, it is also fun because you get to choose the ingredients and flavours, and there are so many options when making it yourself. […]

How to Make Pickled Beans – Refrigerator Method

We love pickled beans. We use them in wraps or on top of tacos. Another reason that we love to pickle beans is because a lot of beans are needed to fill the jar, so it’s an easy way to use them up. Beans are super easy to grow, and they are the perfect plant […]

How to Make Swiss Chard Chips

Swiss chard is a staple in the garden. It is a cold season crop so it grows well in the spring garden, doesn’t bolt in the summer heat and continues to grow in to the cold weather of the fall. When cared for properly, swiss chard will produce for months. We love using it in […]

How to Make Nasturtium Chips

Nasturtiums are one of our favourite things to grow in the garden. We include it in every garden because it helps bring in pollinators, it can act as a pest trap and the entire plant is edible – the leaves, flowers and seeds! Plus it is very easy to grow from seed. When eaten raw, […]

How to Make Apple Fruit Roll Ups – with Added Protein!

Apple season is upon us! There are so many amazing ways to use apples, from apple pie to making apple juice. But a great way to use the apples and have them last multiple months is to make your own apple fruit roll ups! These roll ups are great for school lunches, hiking snacks or […]

How to Make Pickles – Refrigerator Method

Quick pickling is our favourite method for pickling food. Why? Because it’s quick! This method works for more than just cucumbers/pickles but today’s recipe is all about the cucumber pickle. The below recipe has been passed down by my grandmother and we are so excited to share it with the world. It is a small […]