How to Grow Bountiful Basil Plants

Basil is an aromatic herb, grown as an annual. It is easy to grow from seed and is delicious in many dishes. When grown in the right conditions, and properly cared for, basil can grow over 30cm tall and wide. In this article, you will learning everything you need to grow basil successfully, so that […]

How to Grow Lettuce – From Seed to Salad

Lettuce is the best! It should be a staple in every garden. It is super easy to grow from seed, and because it loves cool weather, you can plant it continuously from April to October. That’s a lot of lettuce! And a lot of savings on your grocery bill! Once you learn how to grow […]

How to Grow Tomatoes – From Seed to Harvest

Tomatoes are the quintessential garden plant. Every gardener grows them, whether they like them or don’t! Quintessential or not.. that doesn’t mean you need to grow them.. but you’re here so, we assume you must like tomatoes! Tomatoes are a new gardener’s best friend because they are simple to grow, hard to kill, and very […]

How to be a Garden Activist in 10 Steps

Did you know that gardening is a form of activism? Learning how to garden allows you to stand up against corporate greed, it teaches you how to take care of yourself, and it brings you closer to nature. The closer you are to nature, the more you recognize the need for humans to return to […]

9 Expert Tips to Prepare for the Garden Season

You may think that closing your garden down in winter, and reopening it in spring with plants is all you need to do each year. However, the garden needs some TLC before it can be ready for plants this spring. The tasks in this article are items that can be done over the 3 months […]

How To Identify and Correct 7 Common Seedling Issues

Growing from seed can be both rewarding and frustrating. When a seed first germinates, and you see life popping out of the soil, it brings so much joy and excitement with it. It is fulfilling to watch a seed turn into a plant, that later provides food or flowers. However, there are many weeks during […]

How to Grow Sweet Potato Slips: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Did you know that sweet potatoes grow differently than other potatoes? Well, this is because sweet potatoes and regular potatoes aren’t even from the same family! Sweet potatoes come from the morning glory family, while regular potatoes are from the nightshade family. Considering they’re both called potatoes, who would have thought! When I first […]

How to Grow From Seed – A Comprehensive Guide

In this guide you will learn everything you need to successfully grow from seed. This information applies to vegetable and flower seeds alike. You can even apply this information to fruit seeds such as avocados! We will cover everything you need to start growing from seed including; the equipment, soil and seeds. Then you will […]

How to Make Garden Fresh Salsa

So, it turns out that salsa is really easy to make! We love salsa around here so this is a very big deal for us. Besides how easy it is to make, it is also fun because you get to choose the ingredients and flavours, and there are so many options when making it yourself. […]

How to Make Peat-Free Seed Starting Soil

The first question you might be asking when you read the title is, why peat-free? Is the seed soil I buy actually harming the planet? Or maybe, do I need to care about this at all? Let’s explore these questions in the article. Let’s start off with, what is seed starting soil and how is […]