How to Protect Your Plants from Cucumber Beetles

Cucumber beetles are the nemesis of many gardeners. These flying beetles come in masses, take over cucumber plants, and without proper management, they will stop you from getting any harvests at all! What are Cucumber Beetles? There are two different types of cucumber beetles; the spotted cucumber beetle and the striped cucumber beetle. Here in […]

How to Grow Cucumbers From Seed to Harvest

Cucumbers are a great plant to grow from seed because they are quick to mature, produce a lot of fruit, and come in varieties that you can’t access from the grocery store, making them a fun plant to grow. A Quick Summary Cucumbers are a heat-loving, vining plant that can produce all through the summer. […]

Drowning in Kale? Here are 9 Ways to Use Your Harvest!

When early spring arrives, it’s hard not to get so excited and plant dozens of seeds. The problem is, all of those tiny seeds turn into plants and it’s nearly impossible to kill them (because they’re our babies!), which means they all need to be planted somewhere! And since kale can be planted so early […]

How to Grow Bush Beans from Seed to Harvest

Bush beans are an easy plant that grows quickly, and are very prolific. The best thing about bush beans is they are the perfect filler plant. When you harvest plants mid-season (such as garlic), beans are the perfect plant to fill the space and produce a ton of food. A Quick Summary Bush beans (otherwise […]

How to Protect Your Plants from Cabbage Worms

Cabbage moths are one of the most common insects you will see in your backyard. Even without a garden, these moths will likely be found in every backyard, fluttering around looking for their favourite plants (brassica, hence the name cabbage moth!) What are cabbage moths and cabbage worms? Cabbage moths are a small, white day-time […]

Leaf Miner – How to Identify & Manage this Garden Pest

Leaf miners are a super common pest found in the spring garden. They love the tender leafy greens and can cause a lot of damage if they are left unmanaged. But don’t worry, once you know more about them, they are a super easy garden pest to manage! What are Leaf Miners? Leaf miners are […]

How to Grow Kale from Seed to Harvest

Kale is a versatile veggie, that is packed with nutrients, and can be used in many ways around the kitchen. From stir-fries to smoothies, this leafy green vegetable is an amazing addition to any garden, whether you grow it in containers on your balcony, or in a raised bed at home. A Quick Summary Kale […]

How to Grow Bountiful Basil Plants

Basil is an aromatic herb, grown as an annual. It is easy to grow from seed and is delicious in many dishes. When grown in the right conditions, and properly cared for, basil can grow over 30cm tall and wide. In this article, you will learning everything you need to grow basil successfully, so that […]

11 Pests in Your Vegetable Garden You Should Know

The best way to combat pests in your vegetable garden is by being able to identify them. We’ve compiled the top 11 common pests that you will find in the garden, along with a photo of the insect and their damage, so you can take the first step in protecting your garden vegetables. One thing […]

How to Grow Lettuce – From Seed to Salad

Lettuce is the best! It should be a staple in every garden. It is super easy to grow from seed, and because it loves cool weather, you can plant it continuously from April to October. That’s a lot of lettuce! And a lot of savings on your grocery bill! Once you learn how to grow […]