How to Grow Nasturtium From Seed to Flower

Nasturtium is an amazing plant to include in your garden. It is a vigorous grower, easy to maintain, looks beautiful and is completely edible! In this article you will learning everything you need to successfully grow nasturtium, including ways to eat it. A Quick Summary Nasturtium is often grown as a trap crop, meant to […]

What is the best soil to buy for your garden?

Us gardeners need soil, constantly. Even after you’ve built your gardens, you still need to buy more soil! When you first start to garden, you need soil to fill your raised beds or containers up. Then, each year after that, you will need to get soil to top up your gardens to infuse new nutrients, […]

How to Make Nasturtium Chips

Nasturtiums are one of our favourite things to grow in the garden. We include it in every garden because it helps bring in pollinators, it can act as a pest trap and the entire plant is edible – the leaves, flowers and seeds! Plus it is very easy to grow from seed. When eaten raw, […]

9 Easy to Grow Flowers to Make A Stunning Bouquet

Growing flowers is one of the most rewarding sides of gardening. The space to enjoyment ratio is manageable for every garden size when compared to vegetables (hello one pepper growing in my pot.. I guess I won’t starve tonight….), the varieties available is vast, and even a single bloom can bring endless amounts of joy. […]