11 Pests in Your Vegetable Garden You Should Know

The best way to combat pests in your vegetable garden is by being able to identify them. We’ve compiled the top 11 common pests that you will find in the garden, along with a photo of the insect and their damage, so you can take the first step in protecting your garden vegetables. One thing […]

How to Grow Tomatoes – From Seed to Harvest

Tomatoes are the quintessential garden plant. Every gardener grows them, whether they like them or don’t! Quintessential or not.. that doesn’t mean you need to grow them.. but you’re here so, we assume you must like tomatoes! Tomatoes are a new gardener’s best friend because they are simple to grow, hard to kill, and very […]

How to be a Garden Activist in 10 Steps

Did you know that gardening is a form of activism? Learning how to garden allows you to stand up against corporate greed, it teaches you how to take care of yourself, and it brings you closer to nature. The closer you are to nature, the more you recognize the need for humans to return to […]

9 Expert Tips to Prepare for the Garden Season

You may think that closing your garden down in winter, and reopening it in spring with plants is all you need to do each year. However, the garden needs some TLC before it can be ready for plants this spring. The tasks in this article are items that can be done over the 3 months […]

What You Need To Grow Your Own Seeds Indoors

Growing your own seeds is a great skill to have because it opens up the plant varieties you have access to. When you buy from a greenhouse or garden centre, your only choice is to grow what they have to offer. The availability of seeds is vast, so learning to grow your own seeds opens […]

How to Make Peat-Free Seed Starting Soil

The first question you might be asking when you read the title is, why peat-free? Is the seed soil I buy actually harming the planet? Or maybe, do I need to care about this at all? Let’s explore these questions in the article. Let’s start off with, what is seed starting soil and how is […]

Avoid These 8 Mistakes When Starting from Seed

Starting from seed is such a great way to learn about plants, expand the variety you grow in your garden, and to get your hands dirty earlier in the season. When growing from seed, there are common issues that all gardeners experience. It can be scary learning and making mistakes, so we want to support […]

How to Make Pickled Beans – Refrigerator Method

We love pickled beans. We use them in wraps or on top of tacos. Another reason that we love to pickle beans is because a lot of beans are needed to fill the jar, so it’s an easy way to use them up. Beans are super easy to grow, and they are the perfect plant […]

9 Easy to Grow Flowers to Make A Stunning Bouquet

Growing flowers is one of the most rewarding sides of gardening. The space to enjoyment ratio is manageable for every garden size when compared to vegetables (hello one pepper growing in my pot.. I guess I won’t starve tonight….), the varieties available is vast, and even a single bloom can bring endless amounts of joy. […]

How to Make Pickles – Refrigerator Method

Quick pickling is our favourite method for pickling food. Why? Because it’s quick! This method works for more than just cucumbers/pickles but today’s recipe is all about the cucumber pickle. The below recipe has been passed down by my grandmother and we are so excited to share it with the world. It is a small […]